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This composition was created as a reminder of the incredible oriental legend of the Garden of Eden. This is the original habitat of the first people. It is in Sumerian literature that the idea of the Garden of Eden is born for the first time - a blissful place, which is a beautiful flowering and fruitful garden. The location of this beautiful place is interpreted in a wide range - from the Armenian Highlands and Zagros to Southern Mesopotamia, but where exactly the Garden of Eden was located is, of course, not known to history. Thousands of trees, flowers and herbs were fragrant in the Garden of Eden. And by right the Queen of this Garden was the Rose. The most common area of application of these colors is cosmetology. Baths prepared on the basis of rose extract are suitable for women with any skin type. They help keep the skin fresh and smooth for longer, so their benefits in the fight against cellulite are obvious. Rose is a unique vitaminized complex rich in various oils, vitamins E, A, D, as well as glucosides and carotenoids. Carotenoids are actively involved in cell regeneration, they restore the formation of collagen fibers, which affects the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Pink baths cleanse and refresh the skin, perfectly tone up, remove excess fatty secretions, relieve fatigue, increase blood circulation, narrow pores, tone capillaries. Rose concentrate is an indispensable assistant in the fight against dryness, inflammation, and flaking of the skin, it has a particularly beneficial effect on soothing sensitive skin. It is a natural antioxidant that promotes healing, restores the ability to fight negative factors, especially temperature ones. Roses have been proven to have medicinal properties. Concentrate based on essential oil rose is suitable for any type of skin, fading, dry, sensitive, dehydrated. It has an antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process, removes wrinkles, has a lifting effect, tightens the oval of the face and body. Relieves inflammation of the skin, softens rough and rough skin. Removes scars and stretch marks. Eliminates vascular pattern, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Improves complexion. Nourishes, tones, moisturizes, softens. Indications for the use of the extract: Diseases of the nervous system; headache, insomnia; The consequences of injuries and injuries of the peripheral parts of the nervous system (the roots of the plexuses of the nerve trunks) that do not require surgical treatment in the presence of signs of ongoing recovery of functions: with motor, sensory disorders; with vascular and trophic disorders; Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and polyarthritis of traumatic origin and after gunshot wounds, hematogenous and gunshot osteomyelitis in the pre and postoperative periods, deforming arthritis and arthrosis, closed fractures of tubular bones with delayed consolidation or tenderness of the callus, infiltrates and hemorrhages in soft tissues with injuries, chronic and infectious myositis; Vascular diseases: occlusive endotherin, vascular disorders of a functional nature, chronic thrombophlebitis (8-10 months after the acute period and not during the exacerbation period). Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere Rose has a calming and at the same time invigorating effect, effectively relieves neurotic disorders and increases efficiency. In addition, rose extract helps to establish a healthy sleep, making falling asleep easy and awakening vigorous and quick. When interacting with people around, the aroma of a rose helps to maintain unobtrusive communication, a kind and optimistic mood. At the same time, irritation, negative emotions and disappointment do not arise, even in such emotionally variegated relationships as romantic ones. This oil shows its properties as an aphrodisiac by revealing sensuality, femininity, revealing its own sexual attractiveness. For women, rose concentrate is a mild yet powerful antidepressant that works best for postpartum depression, failed love relationships or an inferiority complex. FEATURES OF THE CONCENTRATE: THE CONCENTRATE IS A VERY SATURATED EXTRACT OF LIVING PLANTS, mixed with hydrolat, powders of plants and resins, as well as water-soluble live therapeutic unrefined oils. Before use, shake the composition in a container and pour 100-200 ml of concentrate into a warm bath filled with water. Concentrated juice and active substances of plants stimulate blood circulation and promote cell rejuvenation. The composition is saturated, it is designed to achieve maximum therapeutic and care effects. It has a wide range of applications - for face, hair, body. It has a rich natural composition, which shows its miraculous properties in the process of use. It can be used for special skin care or as part of your daily skincare routine. It can be used in the shower at home, in baths and saunas, in professional cosmetic procedures. Bath concentrate combines centuries-old knowledge and practice of the effects of herbal ingredients on the skin and the human body, combined with valuable natural gifts of Persian nature and experience in the manufacture of natural traditional compositions. It contains the components of an ancient oriental recipe and the effect of an ultra-fashionable SPA procedure. The concentrate, like a special eraser, removes the top layer of the skin and cleanses the surface of dead cells, improving its structure and appearance, nourishing it with a large amount of the most valuable substances in an easily digestible form. The composition of the concentrate is ideal for sensitive, aging skin, also recommended for acne prone skin. Bath concentrate is: - skin tone, lymphatic drainage, reduction of edema, smoothing of the skin surface throughout the body, - rapid cleansing of the skin of the face and body from dead cells; - increased skin respiration, coupled with nutrition; - increased blood circulation in the skin; - excellent aromatic effect has a therapeutic value, relaxes the body and nourishes the senses. - improves skin microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes natural processes; - evens out skin tone, prevents moisture loss, and also protects against the negative effects of the environment; - deeply cleanses, allows you to put in order the keratinized skin on problem areas - elbows, knees, heels; - fights with chronic stretch marks, brightens the places of overstretching of the skin, a good tool for preventing their appearance; - effective use for anti-cellulite programs, regenerates cells; - contribute to the activation of microcirculation and the improvement of oxygen metabolism; - perfectly drains problem areas of the body, evens out the surface and eliminates skin defects, improving its elasticity, removes toxins; - allows you to achieve a natural lifting, reduces body fat in problem areas; - copes with ingrown hairs after applying various methods of depilation, eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin; - procedures stimulate blood circulation and normal lymph flow; - gives elasticity to problem areas on the legs, waist and arms. FOR THE FACE: - promotes cleansing of pores, opens the respiration of cells; - improves skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, restores youthfulness to the skin, normalizes skin water-fat balance, increases the protective functions of the epidermis; - erases traces of fatigue from the face, soothes the skin, cleanses and tightens pores; - increases the immunity of cells; - tightens and revitalizes the skin, due to this it removes wrinkles, smoothes the surface; - suitable even for sensitive skin. APPLICATION: 1. Fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Add 100-200 ml of concentrate to the bath. Stir gently. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes, also wet your hair. After taking a bath, it is recommended not to rinse the skin with water, but simply dry yourself with a towel. Do not add extract while filling the bath, it is not foam! Use a course of 20 baths every other day and take a break of 1 month. 2. 1-2 teaspoons should be added to the hair mask. 3. Dilute the concentrate with hydrolate in a separate container (1 part concentrate + 10 parts of any hydrolate) and use as a facial tonic before using the cream. 4. Add 1-2 scoops of the concentrate to any face mask. 5. For periodontitis and bleeding gums, add 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate to a bottle of mouthwash. Attention: Before use, test for allergenicity on the crook of the elbow: squeeze a little concentrate and wait 24 hours. If any discomfort occurs, discontinue use. Ingredients: concentrate of live plants: essential oil rose (50%), wild rose flowers, damask rose flowers, mountain cornflower, sage flowers, Roman chamomile flower powder, tea rose flower paste, hydrophilic oils: blood red dogwood seed (Cornus sanguinea), tamarisk Arabica seed (Tamarix Arabica), rosewood flower powder (Aniba rosaeaodora), milk thistle seed hydrolate (Silybum marianum), essential oil rose hydrolate, root powder of common resin (Oberna behen), natural gum (resin) of the Nile acacia variety Sudan "Cardovana" » (Acacia nilotica), Mozambican myrrh natural resin powder (Commiphora mossambicensis). Shelf life: 18 months (unopened), 9 months after opening, refrigerated. Volume: 500 ml Manufacturer: Syria. COMPOSITION DOES NOT CONTAIN: artificial, synthetic preservatives, dyes and fragrances, silicones and parabens, surfactants and SLS, prohibited animal fats and other components, alcohol and its traces. Recommendations for use: daily care, course use, professional specialized services. Scope of application: procedures at home, in private cosmetology practice, in beauty salons and spa centers.
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The history of the Kurds is connected with the history of other peoples on Earth, they are a unique nation, unique people who for many centuries have been fighting for their national independence, for the preservation of their beautiful language and original ancient culture. Let's fast forward in our thoughts to the time of the incredible power of the Kurds, during the reign of Sallah Eddin (Salladin), a Kurd from Erbil. History does not exactly know the name of the wife of the great warrior, there were several of them, but in some sources there is mention of one as a new, Renewing one - she bore him a son, Nur ad-Din, whose whole life is connected with the History of Syria. The incredible beauty of this woman was a real shield for her husband when he returned from difficult military campaigns. The grace and subtlety of her mind made her an educated person of that time, a friend and even an adviser in some matters to her husband. The great warrior Salladin looked into the eyes of the woman who had been with him all his life. Kurdish culture has been formed over the centuries, this beautiful nation has formed its own national culture and literature. The oldest literary monuments of the Kurdish people have more than a thousand years of history! As a tribute to this culture, we created the concept of the composition and image of the Yarrow Blossom Bath Concentrate as a memory of the thousand-year-old wisdom, historical significance and wealth of the Kurds! The common yarrow got its name precisely because the leaves and flowers on each stem cannot be counted. Grows all over the world, it is truly a cosmopolitan plant. It is written about him in ancient Greek writings: the great warrior Achilles healed the wounds of his soldiers after battles with yarrow. Yarrow extract includes flowers and leaves of this most useful plant. Healing properties: Liquid yarrow extract is used for the prevention of capillary pressure, blood purification; This extract is used for heavy bleeding during menstruation; Tonic for the whole body; Thanks to tannins in the liquid yarrow extract, it has bactericidal properties; Treats stomach ulcers, normalizes the work of the duodenum; Externally used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity; Heals wounds, cuts, bruises, abrasions, burns, ulcers, boils; Sedative, soothes irritation. Liquid yarrow extract soothes stress and irritation on the skin; Antiseptic - kills germs and harmful bacteria; Clears the skin of acne, tightens pores; Improves cell regeneration, using it in cosmetic preparations for oily skin; Tones the skin, rejuvenates it, giving a healthy and shiny appearance; Anti-inflammatory agent, relieves irritation from delicate sensitive skin; Reduces risks during solar activity; Removes puffiness; Liquid yarrow extract improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands; Cleanses the scalp from dandruff, seborrhea; Nourishes hair from the follicles themselves, making them thicker and healthier. Yarrow herb is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, bactericidal and wound healing properties. It tones the muscles of the uterus and is part of the collection for appetite and treatment of hemorrhoids. Decoctions and juices from yarrow stop bleeding, and the infusion normalizes heart contractions. When used externally, yarrow preparations have anti-burn properties. Thanks to the essential oil, the herb has a beneficial effect on the female genital organs. Increasing the tone of the uterus, yarrow preparations normalize menstrual blood flow, with its irregularity and reduce uterine spasms. It is useful to take therapeutic baths with yarrow for prolapse of the uterus, menstrual irregularities, menopause, postpartum hemorrhage and bleeding against the background of erosions and fibroids. At the same time, phytotherapists warn that it is necessary to take breaks during the treatment, since yarrow preparations can cause a delay in menstruation. Yarrow herb is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially in adulthood. Rinsing and compresses with a decoction will help men with baldness, as they stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Preparations based on yarrow reduce the inflammatory process, eliminate constipation, reduce burning and itching, and promote healing of anal ulcers. This makes the plant an effective adjuvant in combination with drug treatment, both in acute and chronic hemorrhoids. FEATURES OF THE CONCENTRATE: THE CONCENTRATE IS A VERY SATURATED EXTRACT OF LIVING PLANTS, mixed with hydrolat, powders of plants and resins, as well as water-soluble live therapeutic unrefined oils. Before use, shake the composition in a container and pour 100-200 ml of concentrate into a warm bath filled with water. Concentrated juice and active substances of plants stimulate blood circulation and promote cell rejuvenation. The composition is saturated, it is designed to achieve maximum therapeutic and care effects. It has a wide range of applications - for face, hair, body. It has a rich natural composition, which shows its miraculous properties in the process of use. It can be used for special skin care or as part of your daily skincare routine. It can be used in the shower at home, in baths and saunas, in professional cosmetic procedures. Bath concentrate combines centuries-old knowledge and practice of the effects of herbal ingredients on the skin and the human body, combined with valuable natural gifts of Persian nature and experience in the manufacture of natural traditional compositions. It contains the components of an ancient oriental recipe and the effect of an ultra-fashionable SPA procedure. The concentrate, like a special eraser, removes the top layer of the skin and cleanses the surface of dead cells, improving its structure and appearance, nourishing it with a large amount of the most valuable substances in an easily digestible form. The composition of the concentrate is ideal for sensitive, aging skin, also recommended for acne prone skin. Bath concentrate is: - skin tone, lymphatic drainage, reduction of edema, smoothing of the skin surface throughout the body, - rapid cleansing of the skin of the face and body from dead cells; - increased skin respiration, coupled with nutrition; - increased blood circulation in the skin; - excellent aromatic effect has a therapeutic value, relaxes the body and nourishes the senses. - improves skin microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes natural processes; - evens out skin tone, prevents moisture loss, and also protects against the negative effects of the environment; - deeply cleanses, allows you to put in order the keratinized skin on problem areas - elbows, knees, heels; - fights with chronic stretch marks, brightens the places of overstretching of the skin, a good tool for preventing their appearance; - effective use for anti-cellulite programs, regenerates cells; - contribute to the activation of microcirculation and the improvement of oxygen metabolism; - perfectly drains problem areas of the body, evens out the surface and eliminates skin defects, improving its elasticity, removes toxins; - allows you to achieve a natural lifting, reduces body fat in problem areas; - copes with ingrown hairs after applying various methods of depilation, eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin; - procedures stimulate blood circulation and normal lymph flow; - gives elasticity to problem areas on the legs, waist and arms. FOR THE FACE: - promotes cleansing of pores, opens the respiration of cells; - improves skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, restores youthfulness to the skin, normalizes skin water-fat balance, increases the protective functions of the epidermis; - erases traces of fatigue from the face, soothes the skin, cleanses and tightens pores; - increases the immunity of cells; - tightens and revitalizes the skin, due to this it removes wrinkles, smoothes the surface; - suitable even for sensitive skin. APPLICATION: 1. Fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Add 100-200 ml of concentrate to the bath. Stir gently. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes, also wet your hair. After taking a bath, it is recommended not to rinse the skin with water, but simply dry yourself with a towel. Do not add extract while filling the bath, it is not foam! Use a course of 20 baths every other day and take a break of 1 month. 2. 1-2 teaspoons should be added to the hair mask. 3. Dilute the concentrate with hydrolate in a separate container (1 part concentrate + 10 parts of any hydrolate) and use as a facial tonic before using the cream. 4. Add 1-2 scoops of the concentrate to any face mask. 5. For periodontitis and bleeding gums, add 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate to a bottle of mouthwash. Attention: Before use, test for allergenicity on the crook of the elbow: squeeze a little concentrate and wait 24 hours. If any discomfort occurs, discontinue use. Ingredients: concentrate of live plants: common yarrow (50%), sugar lungwort leaves (Pulmonaria saccharata), Roman chamomile flowers (Anthemis nobilis), hydrophilic oil: jojoba seed (Simmondsia californica), shea butter (Butyrospermum Parkii), macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia), monoflora (Monotropa uniflora) hydrosol, aloe vera (Aloe Barbadensis) pulp hydrolate, yarrow hydrolate, safflower flower paste, yarrow paste (roots), roman chamomile flower powder, tarantula (Oberna behen) root powder, natural resin powder guggul (Commiphora wightii). Shelf life: 18 months (unopened), 9 months after opening, refrigerated. Volume: 500 ml Manufacturer: Syria. COMPOSITION DOES NOT CONTAIN: artificial, synthetic preservatives, dyes and fragrances, silicones and parabens, surfactants and SLS, prohibited animal fats and other components, alcohol and its traces. Recommendations for use: daily care, course use, professional specialized services. Scope of application: procedures at home, in private cosmetology practice, in beauty salons and spa centers.
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The traditional herbal concentrate is a unique composition, a reflection of the wealth of nations and centuries of experience! This composition is created as a reminder of Queen Hatshepsut, the name which means "Before the noble ladies." This unique personality was a female pharaoh in ancient Egypt in the 18th century, she managed to restore Egypt and built many of the monuments now known. She is one of the first female queens, and is on a par with the most famous women in world history, as well as with the most famous rulers of Egypt. The memory of her remained in history as the most beautiful woman of that time and a person with a very strong character. Her most famous monument was the famous magnificent temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahri, which was built over 9 years. Bath Concentrate Queen Hatshepsut is a special, exclusive composition and form, created in Syria, in the form of an unusual variety of wellness, handmade, amazing, renewing and rejuvenating natural concentrate for the skin. This is, first of all, a healing composition that reveals the limitless possibilities of a natural traditional composition, and it is also a national ritual of washing, when the skin enjoys the absorption of everything necessary for a seductive and attractive appearance and health. Rosemary baths are effective for nervous exhaustion, loss of strength, fatigue, impaired skin and venous circulation, and hypotension. Active substances - essential oil of rosemary and terpenes, having a local irritating effect, stimulate peripheral circulation, improve tissue trophism, have anti-inflammatory and general tonic effects, stimulate metabolic processes in the body, have a diaphoretic effect, increase the tone of the central nervous system, relieve fatigue, give strength and cheerfulness, improve memory, increase concentration, mental and physical performance, increase sexual activity in men. We invite you to relax, cope with irritability and improve the quality of sleep. An ideal assistant in this is a rosemary bath. Beneficial effects of a bath with rosemary concentrate: increases blood circulation; stimulates the brain, improves memory; relieves chronic fatigue syndrome; increases potency; relieves headaches and migraines; acts as an antioxidant for the skin; raises the level of energy; helps to relieve joint, muscle, menstrual pain. FEATURES OF THE CONCENTRATE: THE CONCENTRATE IS A VERY SATURATED EXTRACT OF LIVING PLANTS, mixed with hydrolat, powders of plants and resins, as well as water-soluble live therapeutic unrefined oils. Before use, shake the composition in a container and pour 100-200 ml of concentrate into a warm bath filled with water. Concentrated juice and active substances of plants stimulate blood circulation and promote cell rejuvenation. The composition is saturated, it is designed to achieve maximum therapeutic and care effects. It has a wide range of applications - for face, hair, body. It has a rich natural composition, which shows its miraculous properties in the process of use. It can be used for special skin care or as part of your daily skincare routine. It can be used in the shower at home, in baths and saunas, in professional cosmetic procedures. Bath concentrate combines centuries-old knowledge and practice of the effects of herbal ingredients on the skin and the human body, combined with valuable natural gifts of Persian nature and experience in the manufacture of natural traditional compositions. It contains the components of an ancient oriental recipe and the effect of an ultra-fashionable SPA procedure. The concentrate, like a special eraser, removes the top layer of the skin and cleanses the surface of dead cells, improving its structure and appearance, nourishing it with a large amount of the most valuable substances in an easily digestible form. The composition of the concentrate is ideal for sensitive, aging skin, also recommended for acne prone skin. Bath concentrate is: - skin tone, lymphatic drainage, reduction of edema, smoothing of the skin surface throughout the body, - rapid cleansing of the skin of the face and body from dead cells; - increased skin respiration, coupled with nutrition; - increased blood circulation in the skin; - excellent aromatic effect has a therapeutic value, relaxes the body and nourishes the senses. - improves skin microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes natural processes; - evens out skin tone, prevents moisture loss, and also protects against the negative effects of the environment; - deeply cleanses, allows you to put in order the keratinized skin on problem areas - elbows, knees, heels; - fights with chronic stretch marks, brightens the places of overstretching of the skin, a good tool for preventing their appearance; - effective use for anti-cellulite programs, regenerates cells; - contribute to the activation of microcirculation and the improvement of oxygen metabolism; - perfectly drains problem areas of the body, evens out the surface and eliminates skin defects, improving its elasticity, removes toxins; - allows you to achieve a natural lifting, reduces body fat in problem areas; - copes with ingrown hairs after applying various methods of depilation, eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin; - procedures stimulate blood circulation and normal lymph flow; - gives elasticity to problem areas on the legs, waist and arms. FOR THE FACE: - promotes cleansing of pores, opens the respiration of cells; - improves skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, restores youthfulness to the skin, normalizes skin water-fat balance, increases the protective functions of the epidermis; - erases traces of fatigue from the face, soothes the skin, cleanses and tightens pores; - increases the immunity of cells; - tightens and revitalizes the skin, due to this it removes wrinkles, evens out the surface; - suitable even for sensitive skin. APPLICATION: 1. Fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Add 100-200 ml of concentrate to the bath. Stir gently. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes, also wet your hair. After taking a bath, it is recommended not to rinse the skin with water, but simply dry yourself with a towel. Do not add extract while filling the bath, it is not foam! Use a course of 20 baths every other day and take a break of 1 month. 2. 1-2 teaspoons should be added to the hair mask. 3. Dilute the concentrate with hydrolate in a separate container (1 part concentrate + 10 parts of any hydrolate) and use as a facial tonic before using the cream. 4. Add 1-2 scoops of the concentrate to any face mask. 5. For periodontitis and bleeding gums, add 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate to a bottle of mouthwash. Attention: Before use, test for allergenicity on the crook of the elbow: squeeze a little concentrate and wait 24 hours. If any discomfort occurs, discontinue use. Ingredients: live plant concentrate: rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis (60%), Nile sage (Salvianilotica), oregano leaves (Origanumtyttanthum), rosehip seeds (Rosamajalis), coltsfoot flower hydrolat (Tussilagofarfara), powder: bedstraw leaves soft (Galium mollugo), hydrophilic oil leaves of noble yarrow (Achillea nobilis), powder of the roots of common tar (Oberna behen), natural gum (resin) of the Nile acacia variety Sudan "Cardovana" (Acacia nilotica), powder of natural gum (resin) Astragalus Tragacanth Iranian gum variety "Zamra" (Astragalus gummifer), powdered natural resin Mozambican myrrh (Commiphora mossambicensis), rosemary essential oil, rosehip essential oil. Shelf life: 18 months (unopened), 10 months after opening, refrigerated. Volume: 500 ml Manufacturer: Syria. COMPOSITION DOES NOT CONTAIN: artificial, synthetic preservatives, dyes and fragrances, silicones and parabens, surfactants and SLS, prohibited animal fats and other components, alcohol and its traces. Recommendations for use: daily care, course use, professional specialized services. Scope of application: carrying out procedures at home, in private cosmetology practice, in beauty salons and spa centers.
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In ancient Egypt, chamomile is the flower of the sun god Ra. Chamomile is a flower of wonderful beauty and unsurpassed in its beneficial properties. A large number of legends are associated with it, it was used for divination and presented to loved ones. Among the ancient peoples, chamomile was associated with goodness, and it certainly defeated evil. Therefore, she is credited with the ability to reconcile people and prevent conflicts. In addition, the flower is a natural depressant and has a slight hypnotic effect. Chamomile concentrate has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, antihypoxic, antiviral, antiallergic and choleretic effects. Chamomile has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, it normalizes the secretion of the digestive glands, normalizes the strength of muscle contractions. The main active ingredients of chamomile first aid kit are essential oil components - organic acids, chamazulene, glycosides and flavonoids. Chamazulene has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, it enhances the processes of tissue regeneration. Glycosides apigenin and apiin have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs and relieve spasms well. Chamazulen is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, gastritis, colitis, rheumatism, eczema and burns. An extractive concentrate of chamomile flowers is used to treat bloating, colds, and metabolic diseases. Often, chamomile is included in the composition of preparations for external use. The high bactericidal and regenerative properties of this plant make it possible to use it for the treatment of various skin diseases. Preparations from chamomile are part of many cosmetics, since this plant is rich in essential oils and tannins. Chamomile flower baskets are used as raw materials for the preparation of cosmetics. In cosmetology, the cleansing and aseptic properties of chamomile are widely used. It cleanses and tones the skin well, fights acne and pimples, refreshes the complexion. Chamomile bath is an excellent remedy for skin care of all types. After regular use, the skin becomes soft and smooth. Washing products with chamomile infusion helps to get rid of acne and irritation, accelerate the healing of inflammation, perfectly tones the skin and is the prevention of wrinkles. Chamomile is considered a wonderful strengthening agent for hair care of all types. It improves hair growth, makes them softer and more vibrant, gives them a beautiful golden hue. The main properties of chamomile: anti-inflammatory; antiseptic; emollient; soothing; smoothing; stimulating healing of superficial skin defects; reducing irritation and flaking of the skin; stimulating cell renewal; improves capillary circulation; light astringent; mild bleaching; mild pain reliever stimulating hair growth; giving shine to blond hair. Baths with chamomile have a beneficial effect on sensitive, irritated skin; have a slight sedative effect, soften the skin, soothe itching. Water procedures with chamomile extract are widely used to treat purulent-inflammatory processes, weeping eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, itchy dermatoses, and urticaria. Baths with chamomile are used by physiotherapists in the treatment of connective tissue diseases (rheumatism), metabolic disorders (gout), to reduce sweating. Baths with chamomile pediatricians recommend for the prevention of diaper dermatitis and mitigation of the manifestations of diathesis. FEATURES OF THE CONCENTRATE: THE CONCENTRATE IS A VERY SATURATED EXTRACT OF LIVING PLANTS, mixed with hydrolat, powders of plants and resins, as well as water-soluble live therapeutic unrefined oils. Before use, shake the composition in a container and pour 100-200 ml of concentrate into a warm bath filled with water. Concentrated juice and active substances of plants stimulate blood circulation and promote cell rejuvenation. The composition is saturated, it is designed to achieve maximum therapeutic and care effects. It has a wide range of applications - for face, hair, body. It has a rich natural composition, which shows its miraculous properties in the process of use. It can be used for special skin care or as part of your daily skincare routine. It can be used in the shower at home, in baths and saunas, in professional cosmetic procedures. Bath concentrate combines centuries-old knowledge and practice of the effects of herbal ingredients on the skin and the human body, combined with valuable natural gifts of Persian nature and experience in the manufacture of natural traditional compositions. It contains the components of an ancient oriental recipe and the effect of an ultra-fashionable SPA procedure. The concentrate, like a special eraser, removes the top layer of the skin and cleanses the surface of dead cells, improving its structure and appearance, nourishing it with a large amount of the most valuable substances in an easily digestible form. The composition of the concentrate is ideal for sensitive, aging skin, also recommended for acne prone skin. Bath concentrate is: - skin tone, lymphatic drainage, reduction of edema, smoothing of the skin surface throughout the body, - rapid cleansing of the skin of the face and body from dead cells; - increased skin respiration, coupled with nutrition; - increased blood circulation in the skin; - excellent aromatic effect has a therapeutic value, relaxes the body and nourishes the senses. - improves skin microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes natural processes; - evens out skin tone, prevents moisture loss, and also protects against the negative effects of the environment; - deeply cleanses, allows you to put in order the keratinized skin on problem areas - elbows, knees, heels; - fights with chronic stretch marks, brightens the places of overstretching of the skin, a good tool for preventing their appearance; - effective use for anti-cellulite programs, regenerates cells; - contribute to the activation of microcirculation and the improvement of oxygen metabolism; - perfectly drains problem areas of the body, evens out the surface and eliminates skin defects, improving its elasticity, removes toxins; - allows you to achieve a natural lifting, reduces body fat in problem areas; - copes with ingrown hairs after applying various methods of depilation, eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin; - procedures stimulate blood circulation and normal lymph flow; - gives elasticity to problem areas on the legs, waist and arms. FOR THE FACE: - promotes cleansing of pores, opens the respiration of cells; - improves skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, restores youthfulness to the skin, normalizes skin water-fat balance, increases the protective functions of the epidermis; - erases traces of fatigue from the face, soothes the skin, cleanses and tightens pores; - increases the immunity of cells; - tightens and revitalizes the skin, due to this it removes wrinkles, evens out the surface; - suitable even for sensitive skin. APPLICATION: 1. Fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Add 100-200 ml of concentrate to the bath. Stir gently. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes, also wet your hair. After taking a bath, it is recommended not to rinse the skin with water, but simply dry yourself with a towel. Do not add extract while filling the bath, it is not foam! Use a course of 20 baths every other day and take a break of 1 month. 2. 1-2 teaspoons should be added to the hair mask. 3. Dilute the concentrate with hydrolate in a separate container (1 part concentrate + 10 parts of any hydrolate) and use as a facial tonic before using the cream. 4. Add 1-2 scoops of the concentrate to any face mask. 5. For periodontitis and bleeding gums, add 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate to a bottle of mouthwash. Attention: Before use, test for allergenicity on the crook of the elbow: squeeze a little concentrate and wait 24 hours. If any discomfort occurs, discontinue use. Ingredients: live plant concentrate: Roman and officinalis flowers (50%), pomegranate (peel, pulp), rose flower pulp, mass of wild carrot grass, hydrophilic oil: carrot seed (Daucus Carota), grape seed (Vitis vinifera), seeds mango Mangifera indica), rosehip seed (Rosa canina), white mustard seed (Sinapis alba), milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum), prickly pear hydrolate (Opuntia tuna), sasanqua hydrolate, roman chamomile, tar root powder (Oberna behen) , powder of natural gum (resin) of acacia of the Nile variety Sudan "Cardovana" (Acacia nilotica), powder of natural gum guggul (Commiphora wightii). Shelf life: 18 months (unopened), 9 months after opening, refrigerated. Volume: 500 ml Manufacturer: Syria. COMPOSITION DOES NOT CONTAIN: artificial, synthetic preservatives, dyes and fragrances, silicones and parabens, surfactants and SLS, prohibited animal fats and other components, alcohol and its traces. Recommendations for use: daily care, course use, professional specialized services. Scope of application: procedures at home, in private cosmetology practice, in beauty salons and spa centers.
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The wormwood plant got its name in honor of the famous goddess Artemis. Even the stresses in these two words are the same - Artemisia and Artemis. Artemis is not only the ancient Greek goddess of hunting, but also the goddess of fertility, female chastity and all life on earth. And Artemis is the protector of women in childbirth and an assistant in childbirth. According to legend, it was Artemis who first used this odorous herb to aid in childbirth. It is for this that wormwood, so unattractive, and such a weed, received the name of one of the most daring goddesses. Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affect the energy of the whole organism. A bath in which wormwood is added will cleanse from all evil. The unique cosmetic properties of various types of wormwood can be explained by the content of useful organic acids, various essential oils, vitamins, macro- and microelements in different parts of these plants. The extract contains a flavonoid, phytoncide, ascorbic acid, various vitamins, carotene and a very important chemical compound - artemisin. Wormwood has anticancer, antiparasitic and antibacterial effects. Thanks to wormwood, the skin becomes elastic and toned, its texture and tone improve. It also fights free radicals and has an antioxidant effect. This plant in cosmetology has anti-inflammatory properties, is able to relieve irritation, swelling and redness of the skin. An important advantage of wormwood is that it significantly enhances the protective properties of the dermis. Very suitable for the care of oily and problematic facial skin, regulates lipid balance, promotes the elimination of toxins and stimulates regeneration. Wormwood grass has always been used as a folk cosmetic. Mixing it with ointments, they lubricated the skin of the hands and body; making poultices, removed bruises; burning, they dyed their hair with wormwood ash. Wormwood is part of the medicinal fees for the preparation of therapeutic baths. A decoction of wormwood effectively relieves itching of the body and treats pustular skin diseases. Wormwood extract treats skin irritation, redness, itching and swelling. When sweating feet, it is necessary to use products that contain components of wormwood. In the form of a water-alcohol extract, it is introduced into the composition of lotions and deodorants for body care. Due to its antipruritic and wound-healing effect, preparations based on wormwood are used to treat seborrhea of the scalp and as a dandruff remedy in hair care products. Essential oil of wormwood is used as part of a cream for oily and problem skin. In addition, it is used not only for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, but also as part of anti-aging products for the care of mature skin of the face and body. The unique substances contained in the wormwood concentrate contribute to the regulation of skin metabolism, the rapid removal of toxins and the stimulation of skin renewal. The skin after the use of products containing extracts of wormwood becomes elastic and toned, its appearance and color improve. FEATURES OF THE CONCENTRATE: THE CONCENTRATE IS A VERY SATURATED EXTRACT OF LIVING PLANTS, mixed with hydrolat, powders of plants and resins, as well as water-soluble live therapeutic unrefined oils. Before use, shake the composition in a container and pour 100-200 ml of concentrate into a warm bath filled with water. Concentrated juice and active substances of plants stimulate blood circulation and promote cell rejuvenation. The composition is saturated, it is designed to achieve maximum therapeutic and care effects. It has a wide range of applications - for face, hair, body. It has a rich natural composition, which shows its miraculous properties in the process of use. It can be used for special skin care or as part of your daily skincare routine. It can be used in the shower at home, in baths and saunas, in professional cosmetic procedures. The bath concentrate combines centuries-old knowledge and practice of the effects of herbal ingredients on the skin and the human body, combined with valuable natural gifts of Persian nature and experience in the manufacture of natural traditional compositions. It contains the components of an ancient oriental recipe and the effect of an ultra-fashionable SPA procedure. The concentrate, like a special eraser, removes the top layer of the skin and cleanses the surface of dead cells, improving its structure and appearance, nourishing it with a large amount of the most valuable substances in an easily digestible form. The composition of the concentrate is ideal for sensitive, aging skin, also recommended for acne prone skin. Bath concentrate is: - skin tone, lymphatic drainage, reduction of edema, smoothing of the skin surface throughout the body, - rapid cleansing of the skin of the face and body from dead cells; - increased skin respiration, coupled with nutrition; - increased blood circulation in the skin; - excellent aromatic effect has a therapeutic value, relaxes the body and nourishes the senses. - improves skin microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes natural processes; - evens out skin tone, prevents moisture loss, and also protects against the negative effects of the environment; - deeply cleanses, allows you to put in order the keratinized skin on problem areas - elbows, knees, heels; - fights with chronic stretch marks, brightens the places of overstretching of the skin, a good tool for preventing their appearance; - effective use for anti-cellulite programs, regenerates cells; - contribute to the activation of microcirculation and the improvement of oxygen metabolism; - perfectly drains problem areas of the body, evens out the surface and eliminates skin defects, improving its elasticity, removes toxins; - allows you to achieve a natural lifting, reduces body fat in problem areas; - copes with ingrown hairs after applying various methods of depilation, eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin; - procedures stimulate blood circulation and normal lymph flow; - gives elasticity to problem areas on the legs, waist and arms. FOR THE FACE: - promotes cleansing of pores, opens the respiration of cells; - improves skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, restores youthfulness to the skin, normalizes skin water-fat balance, increases the protective functions of the epidermis; - erases traces of fatigue from the face, soothes the skin, cleanses and tightens pores; - increases the immunity of cells; - tightens and revitalizes the skin, due to this it removes wrinkles, smoothes the surface; - suitable even for sensitive skin. APPLICATION: 1. Fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Add 100-200 ml of concentrate to the bath. Stir gently. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes, also wet your hair. After taking a bath, it is recommended not to rinse the skin with water, but simply dry yourself with a towel. Do not add extract while filling the bath, it is not foam! Use a course of 20 baths every other day and take a break of 1 month. 2. 1-2 teaspoons should be added to the hair mask. 3. Dilute the concentrate with hydrolate in a separate container (1 part concentrate + 10 parts of any hydrolate) and use as a facial tonic before using the cream. 4. Add 1-2 scoops of the concentrate to any face mask. 5. For periodontitis and bleeding gums, add 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate to a bottle of mouthwash. Attention: Before use, test for allergenicity on the crook of the elbow: squeeze a little concentrate and wait 24 hours. If any discomfort occurs, discontinue use. Ingredients: live plant concentrate: wormwood and lemon wormwood (50%), thyme, eclipta flowers (Eclipta alba), macadamia nut peel (Macadamia integrifolia), camellia seeds (Camellia sativa), wheat germ (Triticum vulgare), broccoli inflorescences ( Brassica oleracea), hydrophilic oils: shea butter, bitter almond, rosewood flower powder (Aniba rosaeaodora), cucumber hydrolate, wormwood hydrolate, powdered roots of common tar (Oberna behen), natural gum (resin) of the Nile acacia (Acacia nilotica), powder natural resin of Mozambican myrrh (Commiphora mossambicensis). Shelf life: 18 months (unopened), 9 months after opening, refrigerated. Volume: 500 ml Manufacturer: Syria. COMPOSITION DOES NOT CONTAIN: artificial, synthetic preservatives, dyes and fragrances, silicones and parabens, surfactants and SLS, prohibited animal fats and other components, alcohol and its traces. Recommendations for use: daily care, course use, professional specialized services. Scope of application: carrying out procedures at home, in private cosmetology practice, in beauty salons and spa centers.